MS4 Program - Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping at Municipal Operations

The City of Franklin has incorporated a program to minimize or eliminate pollution from all municipal operations, facilities, equipment and practices.  All municipal operations are scrutinized to eliminate or mitigate practices that contribute to NPS pollution.    Activities include winter road maintenance, minor road repairs and other infrastructure work, automobile fleet maintenance, landscaping and park maintenance, and building maintenance. The program includes routine inspection and maintenance activities of the MS4 system and activities; as well as an employee education program in ways to protect the storm water in conjunction with municipal operations and reporting.  

Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping at Municipal Operations

Cleaning Photo 1

Cleaning Photo 2

What Are We Doing?

Good Housekeeping - Fact Sheets

  Municipal Activities Booklet Image
     Municipal Landscaping
     Municipal Vehicle Fueling
     Municipal Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance
     Municipal Vehicle and Equipment Washing
    Parking Lot and Street Cleaning
     Road Salt Application and Storage
     Roadway and Bridge Maintenance
     Storm Drain System Cleaning
   Municipal Facilities
     Hazardous Materials Storage
     Materials Management
     Municipal Facilities Management
     Spill Response and Prevention