Storm Water Awareness Survey

 Step 1 of 1

The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) is requiring communities around the state to develop local programs that address storm water pollution. In order to determine the level of knowledge and understanding Franklin residents have about storm water, we ask that you please take the time to answer the survey questions below.

Your participation in this survey is extremely important, because it will help us tailor our storm water program, prioritize water quality problems and comply with state regulations. The questions below have no right or wrong answer and are designed to capture opinions. Thank You.

* Denotes a required field

Survey Responses

Where do you live?*
What age are you?*
How often do you utilize Household Hazardous Waste Facilities?*
How concerned are you about storm water pollution?*
The bodies of water in the City of Franklin are polluted.*

Rank Impact of Storm Water Pollutants

Select one of the following storm water pollutants in terms of what you believe has the greatest impact on streams and ponds in the City of Franklin. Select only one.
Select one (1) storm water pollutant*

Rank Largest Sources of Storm Water Pollution

In your opinion, from the list below, select what you believe to be the four (4) largest sources of storm water pollution in the City of Franklin. Select only 4 sources.
Select four (4) sources of storm water pollution.*

Storm Water System Familiarity

Please answer the following questions to help us understand your familiarity with the City of Franklin storm water system.
How familiar are you with your local storm water drainage system?*
Where does the storm water runoff in your neighborhood drain to?*
Within the last year, have you heard or seen any newspaper reports, brochures, television or radio spots or other information about storm water pollution?*
Storm sewer systems are designed to both remove pollutants and provide drainage for storm water runoff from yards and streets.*

Contact Information

If you would like more information about storm water quality issues in your area or if you are interested in participating in storm water community events such as community cleanups, storm drain markings, or other events, please provide your contact information below:
Second portion of ZIP Code is optional.
-- ext
I would like more information on storm water quality 
I am interested in participating in storm water events 

For More Information Please Contact:

Rick Littleton, Public Works Superintendent
796 South State Street
Franklin, IN 46131
(888) 736-3640